After leaving the Isle of Palms, my very first stop in downtown Charleston, was a massage appointment at The Heart of Charleston spa. Nothing like working all those knots out of my muscles after a 15 hour drive and before another 15 hour drive. What a perfect start to a couple days of sightseeing in South Carolina.
I had just enough time before Greg finished up his round of golf to stop into a few shops and boutiques along King Street. Then we had a nice, southern, leisurely lunch at Poogan’s Porch where I ordered biscuits ‘n’ gravy for yet another meal while in . Then we were off, on foot, camera in hand to explore and record more of historical downtown Charleston!

A few restaurant faves ->
Poogan’s Porch Husk Toast
Lauren exploring downtown Charleston…
….that pink hotel though!! I couldn’t stop soaking up all the beautiful architecture and southern exterior style all over. Are flower boxes a requirement on your windows here? How could anyone be unhappy in the charming little city?
*We were told a few times by locals and family not to visit in the summer months. Because the super hot, humid climate can make some people unhappy.

After a few hours, we were ready to relax and have a cocktail….or two. The weather on this early May day was absolute perfection! 75, sunny and barely any humidity. So this Wisconsin woman was not sitting inside. I wanted to be up on a rooftop. A quick google search led us nearby to Eleve Restaurant and Rooftop inside the Grand Bohemian Hotel. I was so in love with the bold, bright modern victorian furniture! This patio was just about perfect in my book. We lounged on a couch for a long while, then, naturally, made friends with other tourists. We got to sit in these chic, black chairs while chatting with this nice couple from Georgia.

Pineapple fountain
Just a cute couple in the park. Moment’s after this we actually saw a proposal happen live in this very park! I tried to snap it, but missed…. walked by verclempt instead.

Rainbow Row
We saved the best stop for last on our long walk through downtown. The famous Rainbow Row! SO much happy eyes and happiness here! Brightly colored exteriors, scrolled wright iron and flowers everywhere. Would love to see some of this bright Charleston style makes it’s way up to the Midwest.

While approaching Rainbow Row we came upon the cutest bachelorette party riding bikes around Charleston. What an adorable idea! They asked me to take their pic and I emphatically obliged. Then then bride-to-be snapped a few of me a Greg too! (Thanks Eliza!) I could help but snap them again as they saddled up to ride away.

“The South looks good on you.”
my BFF

It was time to say goodbye to Charleston and pick up baby girl for the road trip back to Milwaukee. I’ll admit, I wasn’t ready to leave downtown. One more day to sightsee would’ve been perfect. My best friend told me that she thinks I fit in well down south. I can try my best at southern style, but I’m a midwest girl at heart! We will just have to head back down there next spring to stay in that pink hotel, try more restaurants, and explore more of downtown Charleston.