IT’S A BOY!!!!
That’s right! Baby Henesy is a boy. We were blessed with a daughter and now we’ll have a son to complete our family. I would’ve been ecstatic either way (I mean two little girls would’ve been adorable), but I’m feeling lucky to have one of each and to give my husband a son. While pregnant with Lillian, I knew the sex and planned to surprise him with a gender reveal during our pregnancy announcement shoot at my first studio. Link here –> Valentine’s Pregnancy Announcement. However, my confetti was tiny and shiny and was hard to see for us and on camera. Well, as you can see, I did NOT make that mistake again!
This time it was Greg’s idea for us BOTH to be surprised, and I loved it. So my OB’s office left the info in a sealed envelope for me, which I brought directly to Amanda. I had researched gender reveal confetti canons this time and found these at GenderRevealSurprise. I ordered 4 pink and 4 blue so I didn’t have to wait one moment longer. We invited one of our favorite couples and their daughter, Lily’s best friend, to share in the surprise and open the other 2 canons. Then on photo shoot day, Amanda handed us the correct canons and a giant cloud of blue confetti filled out studio as I screamed and jumped up and down with excitement!! MUCH better than last time.
We’re very happy and excited to meet our son, and Lily is pretty excited to be a big sister! I know she’ll do a great job. She’s even started kissing my belly. Talk about heart explosions! …Now off to start decorating HIS nursery!!!