Five of my favorite purchases from the past month…
Prepworks 6pc Prokeeper Baker’s Storage set

OXO POP food storage containers

Diffuser for Bennett’s room

Reusable Microfiber Makeup Removing Cloths

Saalt Period Cup

Ergobaby 360 All-Position Baby Carrier

My March faves were a little bit tougher, simply because I’m still waiting on some favorite things that I ordered last month and have not yet arrived. I was trying to wait for them to add to the post, but we’ll just have to wait for next month’s five faves!
After a year plus of living in the new Henesy house, I decided I was going to be the lady with the organized pantry and matching containers. This paired with my efforts to be more sustainable, use less plastic and buy in bulk and/or from refill stations will be the real goals. Found these 2 sets that coordinate very well together. I bought 2 of the baker sets and filled one with baking goods and the second one with more dry goods in addition to the pop tops.
Bennett’s nursery was finished in the nick of time before he was born. But one thing I didn’t have in his room was his own diffuser. I had gotten a very similar one for Lillian’s room a while back and she loves it! She helps me add the essential oils and likes to choose a color on the diffuser each night. I love that it runs for 12 hours so the kids can breathe in all the oily goodness all night long. Bennett’s diffuser has the additional diamond light pattern which I think is pretty and he loves to stare at.
Give me ALL the eco-friendly, plastic-free bath and beauty! I ordered more of these microfiber makeup removing cloths. (I do have mixed feelings about microfiber and know it can release tiny little poly particles into the water system over time.) However, they save any kind of plastic bottles or pumps or landfill waste because you literally just need the cloth and water to remove your makeup. (I don’t wear mascara or a lot of eyeliner, so those may need extra/additional removing product.) AND these little cloths are so easy, they’re the only things in 20+ years of wearing makeup that get me to wash my face at night!
Simply put…. I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW GREAT THIS PERIOD CUP WORKS AND I’M SORRY I DIDN’T TRY IT SOONER! Plus I’m saving SO much waste by avoiding all those other period products!
After several postpartum trips to my chiropractor, she recommended that I find a better and more supportive baby carrier. This Ergobaby was on her list of recommendations primarily due to the waist band to help distribute and support the baby’s weight better vs the Bjorn we were using where weight was all carried by mom or dad’s back and shoulders. This one is so much more comfortable! Baby can also be carried on your back, which I haven’t tried yet, but will definitely come in handy while gardening this summer! (Wearing one of my favorite maternity/during and after dresses by NOM Maternity)
*You can also check out my 5 faves for February HERE