Inexpensive Holidecor
After living in apartments, studios and condos for the past decade, I didn’t know I’d be so excited to have a stairway again! Even so, I did not have to purchase additional “holidecor” (I like this blend of words, it feels redundant to say holi-DAY DEcor). I was able to recycle things from last year’s holidecor in the condo! I had an extra piece of thick wired garland that used to hang in front window, old pine cones whose scent has worn off, and some wide candy-cane striped ribbon that I used to use as drapery ties (See picture below)
Items used:
– 8 ft thick wired garland
– 1 bag of old pine cones (Yes! Save these for next year)
– approx. 10 ft x 1.5 in striped grosgrain ribbon